Rokosjøen Camping AS

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We are small family business – run by the couple Sævar Hansson and Valdis Brynjolfsdottir from Iceland. Our camping is roughly 20 hectare situated in quiet surroundings and around beautiful nature right next to Rokosjøen (Roko lake) in Løten municipality, and right next to the public lake beach Haverbekkvika.

In close proximity you can also see church ruins dating all the back to the 13th century as well as the Rondane hiking trail. The village of Løten is only 8 minutes away by car, where you will find grocery shops, pharmacy, liquor store, restaurants, the bank, the train station and clothing stores. Larger places such as Elverum and Hamar are only half an hour away by car.

We have drop-in spots, seasonal and yearly spots, as well as old-fashioned cabins with no water, which are currently being upgraded along with the rest of the facilities. More specifically the upgrades we are currently working on is building a new sanitary facility, renovation of the cabins, as well as a small cafè. Hopefully we will also have a liquor license very soon which will allow us to give our guest a dining experience with some lovely food along with a drink. More information regarding this will be published as soon as we know more. Regardless, the cafè will be open as soon as this summer, and we will serve cakes, sweets and coffee to anyone who stops by.

Our camping is only an hour drive from Oslo Airport (Gardermoen), one and a half hour from Oslo City and Charlottenberg in Sweden, and thirty minutes away from Hamar and Elverum.

The camping is open all year round and has been since 1964.



Løten, Innlandet
Rokosjøvegen 835


Annonse-ID 202
Vist 240
Utløper 30-05-2032 14:41:00
I kategorier Campingplasser



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